Andrea Guizar 
(Ciudad de México, México, 1989)



Her work is involved in literary and AV essayistic research characterized by play with speculative fiction, mock documentaries and free experimentation in AV media from a narrative space that allows for both inquisitive reflection as well as humor and the absurd. Guizar studied modern Italian literature at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and has an MFA in animation and special effects from the Szkola Filmova w Lodzi in Lodz, Poland. Guizar was part of the SOMA education program from 2020 to 2022. Her animations have been screened and recognized by film festivals in Mexico and around the world, such as Annecy; the Festival de Cine de Morelia; and at short-film festivals in Tampere, Finland and Uppsala, Sweden.


Toothless, 2021
12 min.

This film essay comprises drawings from old anatomy books, images from esoteric magazines, and soundtracks from public-domain internet videos. The film tells the story of an existential journey—that of a toothless heroine in pajamas who is dragged from the individual unconscious into the collective.
