Echevefest: A Talk



19:00 h


Daniel Aguilar

In this talk, the Echevefest Team (1) and the Echeveste Marketplace Committee (2) will discuss the process of creating the Echevefest and share stories from the marketplace.

The Hacienda Echeveste Marketplace was inaugurated in 1991 in the Hacienda Echeveste neighborhood in the north of León, Guanajuato. Unlike most markets in Mexico (which are municipal projects), this is a private initiative. To this day, it survives thanks to the daily efforts of those who work hard to keep their shops open. 

Team Echevefest: Melissa Esquivias, Carmen Aguilar, Grecia Aguilar y Daniel Aguilar R
Mercado Echeveste´s committee: Juan Manuel Aguilar y Judith Alferes

Duration: 60 min.
